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Investigation 9/12/2011
Investigation 9/30/2011
Investigation 10/12/2011
Ghost Walk 10/28/2011
Ghost Walk 10/29/2011
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- Whitewater Valley Paranormal Society
- Metamora, Indiana, United States
- Whitewater Valley Paranormal Society is a group of like-minded people who have had experiences with the paranormal, or who have an interest in making sense of some phenomena that seem to be unexplainable. We began the society in September 2011, which is an off-shoot of the Southeast Indiana Paranormal Society, to begin investigating some paranormal activity that has been reported over the years in the historical canal town of Metamora, Indiana. We will be investingating other areas in and around the Whitewater Valley area. Many of our investigations are local to the Whitewater River Valley area, however, there are some that are a result of some of our travels. We welcome stories and photos from others in the area who would like to share their experiences
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Brookville, Indiana:
By the Old High School: A story was told by a woman who lived in a house by the old brick church building in Brookville, Indiana. She said that when her son was small that he kept telling her night after night that there was an Indian in his room, and that the Indian kept waking him up. One night the woman was in her own bed, and something woke her up. She said that she looked up, and there at the bottom of her bed, was the biggest Indian she had ever seen. After talking to some of her neighbors, she found that some of them had also seen things in their houses, and that the area where the church was built was once a site where there is believed to be ancient Indian burials.
Near Laurel, Indiana:
The Ott Farm: In 1994 my family bought a large farm near the Whitewater River, complete with big old farm house. The house was beautiful and I commented to my husband, "Wow, it feels like this house needs us." Little did I know how right I was! We had several grown children who kept moving back home, a teenager in the house, and finally our little guy.
The first day that we were moving into the house, one of our girls asked, "Who is the old lady upstairs in the window?" What? Old lady? We told her there was no old lady, and went on with our unpacking. Just to make sure, I went upstairs and checked everything old lady!
I couldn't wait to start painting and decorating and making the house truly ours. I came up with plans for every room, and set about making the house our dream house. However, it seemed that each time I came up with an idea, something better would pop into my head, and I would digress from the original plan. It was quite strange when we invited our older neighbors over. They had know the original owners of the house. The neighbor told me that it was truly unbelievable how much the house looked like it did when the orignal owners had it. The colors were all the same, the furniture styles, the furniture arrangement, everything. She said it was almost scary, and that she felt like I had a hand from beyond the grave helping me.
When my son was about two years old, I would let him play upstairs in his bedroom/playroom. I had a baby monitor in the room with him, and I had the receiver downstairs in the kitchen with me. One day, I heard him talking to someone. He was giggling, talking, playing.....and I asked him what he was doing. He said, "I talking to 'dis 'lil boy!" I asked him, "What little boy?" And he said, "He's right 'dare, see him?"
We had lots of electronic baby toys for my son, he was a bit spoiled. One day a friend was visiting, and she was sitting in the living room. There were about 6 electronic toys on the floor where my little guy had been playing. He was taking his daily nap, and we were talking. As we were catching up on the latest gossip, one by one, the toys started to play songs and make noise. First one, then the other, then another one would do it. After a few minutes they stopped. We talked a bit more, and the toy incident happened again. This time our friend got up in a hurry, and said she had to be leaving.
My teenage daughter kept saying that each morning when she was getting ready for school, she could hear a piano playing. We didn't have a piano! One day our older neighbor was visiting. I mentioned something about the piano to her, and she just smiled and said, "The room where you have your office used to be the original owners piano room."
One night I had a friend who stayed with us from Cincinnati, Ohio. I came into the living room with my pajamas on, and she said, "Why did you change? Your white nightgown was so pretty, and how did you come from that direction when you just went into that room right there?" It seems she had seen our lady spirit friend, whom I had seen numerous times. Another night, my son-in-law came outside and asked which one of us had just been in the house. My daughter and I told him we had been sitting outside for a long time and hadn't been in the house. He said, "Well........who was that lady in white?"
It seemed that the spiritual energy in the house just kept getting stronger. It held my husband down in bed numerous times. He didn't believe in ghosts.........not until we lived there! ~ D.M. Laurel, IN
Metamora, Indiana:
The Gingerbread House: A story was recently told in Metamora of a repairman who was working on the roof of the Gingerbread House (Allison House) in the historic distric of Metamora. The man said he saw a lady in the window tower. He then saw her again, only this time it was in a painting over the family piano in the house. A neighbor told us a story of how he was sitting on his porch and saw a lady in a long white dress walk down the walk from the house and go to the gazebo nearby. She then vanished.
Near Metamora, Indiana:
A Home In the Country: A friend recounted the story of how she was working on a house they were fixing up. She said that there where a lot of strange things that happened, but the one thing that stands out in her mind was one day when she was painting. She had all of her paint and supplies sitting on a wall. She suddenly heard a crash, and looked over to find the paint cans on the ground....but they were not laying over on their sides. They were stacked in an "odd arrangement that couldn't be possible," she said.
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Think Spirits Aren't Real?
If you think dis-embodied spirits don't exist - think again! Check out this video by Baxter King, of some of the world's best examples of ghosts caught on film. Are these photos and videos real or fakes? You decide!
Start video and click on 4 arrows to view in full screen mode.